Expansion of Mediterranean hermit crabs into the North Sea thanks to climate change
Long-term studies conducted by scientists at the institute “Senckenberg am Meer” and the Senckenberg Research Institute in Frankfurt…
The Encyclopedia of Science's Frontier
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Scientists used non-invasive electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve to help patients with Parkinson’s Disease walk…
Long-term studies conducted by scientists at the institute “Senckenberg am Meer” and the Senckenberg Research Institute in Frankfurt…
Animals living on the abyssal plains, miles below the ocean surface, don’t usually get much to eat. Their main source of food is…
Submarine canyons play an important role in maintaining high levels of biodiversity of small invertebrates in the seafloor sediments of the…
The evolutionary origin of turtles is one of the last unanswered questions in vertebrate evolution. Paleontological and morphological…
Four years after falling in love with the disco clam – a cute little mollusk known for its underwater light show – Lindsey Dougherty has…
Korean research team revealed conflicting climate change patterns between the middle latitude areas of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres…
Spiders from five different families prey on small fish in the wild, according to a systematic review published June 18, 2014 in the…
A large gray whale and a much smaller skipjack tuna each propels itself through water. Which is the more efficient swimmer? It has been…
Debris from forests that washes into freshwater lakes supplements the diets of microscopic zooplankton and the fish that feed off them –…
Why did life forms first begin to get larger and what advantage did this increase in size provide? UCLA biologists working with an…