A new drug tackles blood cancer at its source
Scientists developed a new drug treatment for Acute Myeloid Leukemia that targets both the cancer cells and their source stem cells, like…
The Encyclopedia of Science's Frontier
Scientists developed a new drug treatment for Acute Myeloid Leukemia that targets both the cancer cells and their source stem cells, like…
Researchers found that brown fat activated by cold temperatures can slow the growth of cancerous tumors.
Researchers developed a tool to visualize changes in DNA data from new sequencing technology. Their tool will help scientists "see" how…
Researchers used a combination of drugs that slow cancer cell growth and boost the immune system to better fight non-resectable liver…
Researchers showed a cancer-signature gene is activated in mice with chronic jet lag, causing faster tumor growth in their lungs.
Researchers engineered a virus to deliver light-sensitive chemicals to ovarian cancer cells and targeted them with a laser. Their new…
Breast cancer is a common cancer that affects women worldwide. When cancerous cells spread to other parts of the body, a process known as…
Researchers used virus proteins to deliver the CRISPR system into cells for faster and safer gene editing.
Scientists found blocking a specific protein from some immune cells can boost their ability to fight cancer.
Scientists conducted a follow-up on the Costa Rica HPV vaccine trial after 11 years. They showed the HPV vaccine almost perfectly prevents…