City waste could support urban farming
Researchers found that adding city waste products to local farms promoted a healthy soil microbiome and improved how tomatoes taste.
The Encyclopedia of Science's Frontier
Researchers found that adding city waste products to local farms promoted a healthy soil microbiome and improved how tomatoes taste.
Researchers showed that rising temperatures make it harder for bumblebees to detect their sugary food sources.
Researchers found that sulfuric and nitric acids from human activities dissolve more limestone in aquifers than they previously thought,…
Two biologists showed that butterflies and moths generate enough electrostatic charge to attract pollen grains from nearby flowers, but they…
Researchers found viruses infect bacteria and other microorganisms in acid mine drainage and may control microbial diversity in these…
Scientists modified bacteria to produce an eco-friendly, self-coloring leather substitute, in a step toward sustainable fashion.
Researchers discovered that when cyanobacteria sense shorter days they change their cell walls to survive freezing temperatures.
Researchers found the melting Greenland Ice Sheet is releasing tons of icebergs into the North Atlantic Ocean that could further disrupt…
Scientists investigated humidity patterns in tree rings across Europe to test whether recently drier air is natural or caused by global…
Researchers showed river structure and moisture conditions can help predict large-scale flood events.