Scientists use bioactive glass to treat bone cancer
Researchers showed that bioactive glass administered with gallium oxide in the laboratory can reduce cancer cells and leave noncancerous…
The Encyclopedia of Science's Frontier
Researchers showed that bioactive glass administered with gallium oxide in the laboratory can reduce cancer cells and leave noncancerous…
Scientists engineered a common parasite to carry therapeutic drugs across the blood-brain barrier in mice.
Researchers found some bacteria pass information to future generations that affects their behavior and ability to resist antibiotics.
Scientists found that adhering to a diet with more poultry and less red meat may reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s in people who are…
Dental researchers coated damaged cows’ teeth with an enamel binding peptide and soaked them in a mineral solution to reform their…
Scientists showed that some cancer medications work better when taken at a certain time of day. They suggested doctors combine optimal…
Scientists reduced the impacts of a damaging immune response in mice who survived a stroke by inhibiting a common enzyme that causes…
Scientists showed that a compound naturally found in purple passionflowers can alleviate symptoms of herpes simplex eye infections in mice.
Researchers measured brain connections during musical processing in young and old participants and found that older participants had more…
Scientists used non-invasive electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve to help patients with Parkinson’s Disease walk farther and faster.