Hawaiian Fishes Like it Deep
As if Hawaii didn’t already have enough to boast about – beautiful beaches, luscious green mountains, and lava – it now also wears…
The Encyclopedia of Science's Frontier
Sciworthy provides unbiased summaries of the latest research so you can explore science on your own terms. Search your interests here – if we’re missing something, let us know!
Scientists used non-invasive electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve to help patients with Parkinson’s Disease walk…
As if Hawaii didn’t already have enough to boast about – beautiful beaches, luscious green mountains, and lava – it now also wears…
Big animals make lots of dung. And where there’s dung, there’s dung beetles. Researchers counted fossilized dung beetles to figure out…
What comes to mind when you think of crocodiles? You might think of ancient reptiles, or “living fossils,” that have been…
Off the west coast of Peru, seabirds deposit thick layers of guano that accumulates on the ground because of the lack of rain. Guano has…
Biological classification arranges taxa according to their degree of relationship; several species may be grouped in a genus, several…
For many years, morphology-based classification has served us so well, and still forms a basis of what we are viewing the biological world…
Mitochondrial DNA studies shows the occurrence of three well-defined groups of pipefish populations – which independently evolved in a…
Ever since the nineteenth century scientists have recognised that some regions contain more species than others, and that the tropics are…
“Ray” or “Skate” is the common name under which a number of different species of rays (cousins to sharks) fished from the Northeast…
A James Cook University-National Geographic expedition to Cape Melville in north-east Australia has found three vertebrate species new to…