Saturn’s Moon Enceladus May Have Conditions For Life
In a last scientific hurrah, the Cassini spacecraft has detected that hydrogen is being ejected from the moon’s ice-covered ocean.
The Encyclopedia of Science's Frontier
In a last scientific hurrah, the Cassini spacecraft has detected that hydrogen is being ejected from the moon’s ice-covered ocean.
If intelligent aliens exist somewhere in the depths of space, then should we see signs of their technology? This question has motivated…
You are on one of those trips where the travel is so tedious that even your cell phone looks boring. Not being able to sleep, you look out…
51 Pegasi b is a roughly jupiter-sized planet around a star pretty similar to our sun. This planet has been part of astronomy conversations…
Stars and planets are most often categorized by their mass. In astronomy, the “initial mass function” is used for this categorization.…
Did you know that a black hole is a kind of star? What would it really be like if our sun, also a star, was a black hole?
Detecting life on a planet beyond Earth would be one of the coolest things ever! In our paper, we talk about detecting signs of life on…
Tabby’s Star, located 1,276 light years from Earth and named for its discoverer Tabetha S. Boyajian, created quite a buzz among…
When the NASA Space Shuttle was flying, it carried a variety of scientific equipment for running experiments. One of these devices was an…
All life on Earth survives because of the sun. Plants use a process called photosynthesis to transfer energy from the Sun’s rays into the…