DNA Barcoding unveils a “ray of sunshine” in products sold to consumers
“Ray” or “Skate” is the common name under which a number of different species of rays (cousins to sharks) fished from the Northeast…
The Encyclopedia of Science's Frontier
“Ray” or “Skate” is the common name under which a number of different species of rays (cousins to sharks) fished from the Northeast…
A James Cook University-National Geographic expedition to Cape Melville in north-east Australia has found three vertebrate species new to…
The ancestor of snakes and lizards likely gave birth to live young, rather than laid eggs, and over time species have switched back and…
Seadragons are known for their elaborate appendages that help them blend in with their kelp and algae habitats. But an evolutionary tree…
Sea Star Meltdown A shocking trend has emerged in the world’s premiere ecosystem for sea star biodiversity. The coastline of British…
Much of biotechnology research is going toward the development of biofuels. Most of which is focused on the production of ethanol, or the…
Who knew? Thresher sharks really do hunt with their tails and not their teeth. They don’t just hunt at dawn and dusk, they hunt by…
The remote caves of Central Java have yielded information about a new variant of Wandering Spider (Araneae, Ctenidae,) tentatively…
For the first time in scientific history, mankind has discovered functional rotating gears in the animalian biosphere. While cog-shaped…
When it comes to long necks, even giraffes fail to measure up to the sauropod dinosaurs. This prehistoric species attained neck lengths of…