A crater on Mars may be a future landing site
Here on Earth, scientists study layers of sediment like dirt and sand to better understand how rocks form. The same contextual clues…
The Encyclopedia of Science's Frontier
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Two biologists showed that butterflies and moths generate enough electrostatic charge to attract pollen grains from…
Here on Earth, scientists study layers of sediment like dirt and sand to better understand how rocks form. The same contextual clues…
We may be the most successful land mammal, but pound for pound, plants and bacteria still have us beat.
New approaches for preventing and treating illnesses are on the rise, including the use of gene therapy through vaccines. With this…
Be it tapping our feet, nodding, or simply swaying, music makes us move! However, did you know that the body moves to music even when…
A landmark clinical trial was announced recently by researchers at Kyoto University. For the first time in history, this trial tests the use…
Harmful algal blooms are becoming an increasing problem in areas around the world, including the Great Lakes, where drinking water is…
As infants, we absorb any information our surroundings have to offer, especially if other humans are involved. Infants can recognize their…
While many people might not think that HIV is a large problem in the United States, at the end of 2015 over 1.1 million Americans were…
Before a baby is born in Taiwan, both the development of its brain and its intellectual performance are already at risk. A 2014 study of 545…
During the last days of the summer of 1991, tourists hiking in the Ötztal Alps near the Italy – Austria border found the remains of…