Mysterious, Unusual Intergalactic Radio Signal Found
Radio astronomers working with a radio dish telescope detected something a bit unusual. They were seeing a very fast radio burst, faster and…
The Encyclopedia of Science's Frontier
Radio astronomers working with a radio dish telescope detected something a bit unusual. They were seeing a very fast radio burst, faster and…
Organic farming and conventional farming each have their own strengths and weaknesses that depend on application.
Metal elements were found in the vapors of electronic cigarettes and hookahs and their concentrations were compared to regular cigarettes.
In a last scientific hurrah, the Cassini spacecraft has detected that hydrogen is being ejected from the moon’s ice-covered ocean.
Scientists explain how your shoelaces randomly untie themselves while you're walking!
It goes without saying that forests are important. As the lung of our planet, they strongly contribute to converting carbon dioxide that we…
Most people can identify a familiar face in a photo, even if the picture is taken at an unusual angle, or in poor lighting. Think about how…
Trains have been the fundamental backbone of transportation and shipping for a few hundred years. Despite the ubiquity of trains, the…
Our understanding of animal cognition has grown dramatically since the days of Jane Goodall in the 1960s. Great apes, a family of primates…
Large stars and planets in space have intense gravity. The gravity of these large celestial bodies is so strong, that they actually warp the…