Butterflies use electrostatic force to pollinate
Two biologists showed that butterflies and moths generate enough electrostatic charge to attract pollen grains from nearby flowers, but they…
The Encyclopedia of Science's Frontier
Two biologists showed that butterflies and moths generate enough electrostatic charge to attract pollen grains from nearby flowers, but they…
Researchers analyzed new fossils from Ecuador that suggested the ancestors of Galápagos giant tortoises inhabited northern South America…
Researchers found tiny, indestructible “water bears” survived exposure to high levels of toxic salts similar to those found in Martian…
Paleontologists described a trilobite fossil preserved in 3D with its gut contents intact.
Researchers found bottlenose dolphins modify the pitch and range of whistles when communicating with their calves, similar to how humans…
Researchers analyzed more than 200,000 balls hit in Major League Baseball games played between 1962 and 2019. They estimated global warming…
Scientists tested planetary defense technology by slamming a spacecraft into an asteroid in an attempt to alter its course. They used…
Researchers found people who did 8 weeks of moderate-intensity, remote yoga had less stress and anxiety, and better short-term memories.
Researchers from the University of Illinois compiled ground-level tornado wind speeds from more than 70 tornadoes over 30 years. They found…
Lightning bolts can be deadly or destructive, but some researchers propose they might also have supplied essential elements for the first…