Future telescopes could search for alien farms
Simulations suggest that the light observed from a distant planet around another star might be able to show evidence of ammonia and nitrous…
The Encyclopedia of Science's Frontier
Simulations suggest that the light observed from a distant planet around another star might be able to show evidence of ammonia and nitrous…
Jacob Haqq-Misra, Ravi Kopparapu, and Eric Wolf attempt to address this question in a recent paper titled "Why do we find ourselves around a…
If intelligent aliens exist somewhere in the depths of space, then should we see signs of their technology? This question has motivated…
Small red stars, known by astronomers as “M-dwarfs”, are the most abundant type of star in the sky and are also the most long-lived of…
Long-term patterns in Earth’s climate show glacial cycles that correspond to variations in Earth’s orbital geometry and affect the…