Cyanobacteria can teach us about climate adaptation
The oceans are warming due to climate change and this will impact all oceanic life, from the smallest plankton to the largest tuna. The web…
The Encyclopedia of Science's Frontier
The oceans are warming due to climate change and this will impact all oceanic life, from the smallest plankton to the largest tuna. The web…
Yellowstone National Park is famous for its hot springs, geysers, wildlife, and incredible geology. While the area is popular among visitors…
All life on Earth has to respire. For us this means inhaling oxygen to fuel our metabolism and exhaling waste gases like carbon dioxide.…
In the Marvel Universe, Bruce Banner exposed his body to high doses of gamma radiation during an experiment in his lab. The gamma radiation…
Scientists recreated a deep-ocean environment where underwater volcanoes spew heat and chemicals to test whether or not biological molecules…
The line “times they are a changin’,” as Bob Dylan sang in 1964, describes the state of cannabis research aptly. As cannabis and…
A new investigation into antibiotics resistance shows just how big of an issue antibiotic-resistant bacteria is right now, and we need to…
Researchers at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, PA, wanted to collect some information about cold and hot brew coffees, to see…
Researchers have pinpointed several compounds that are strongly associated with positive and negative tastes in white fish fillets.
Most fish farming in the ocean uses net cages that float because it is easier to feed and remove fish at the surface and because some fish…