What causes decompression sickness in astronauts?
Scientists found tracers for inflammation and traumatic brain damage in people who climbed to high altitudes mimicking the low pressure…
The Encyclopedia of Science's Frontier
Scientists found tracers for inflammation and traumatic brain damage in people who climbed to high altitudes mimicking the low pressure…
Scientists tested planetary defense technology by slamming a spacecraft into an asteroid in an attempt to alter its course. They used…
Astronomers traced the genealogy of a kilonova explosion by using models to find its most likely parent stars.
In recent decades, astronomers have discovered more than 5000 planets orbiting stars beyond our solar system, with nearly 9000 more…
Scientists found that a methylated gas produced by life as a waste product of detoxification could serve as a remotely observable sign of…
If humans are to ever leave planet Earth, one of the first challenges we must face is how to feed ourselves. Space is hostile to life, with…
The first cells of life on Earth had a lot to contend with. Conditions were harsh and unpredictable. The air was thick with volcanic gases.…
One picture from the surface of Mars can tell us an entire story about the history and formation of that place. Often, the similarities and…
Scientists who study how humans might travel through space found a handful of specific genes that give bacteria some cool superpowers.
A carbonaceous meteorite that fell in Costa Rica holds organic compounds that are preserved from the earliest stages of our solar system,…