Can bacteria inherit memories?
Researchers found some bacteria pass information to future generations that affects their behavior and ability to resist antibiotics.
The Encyclopedia of Science's Frontier
Researchers found some bacteria pass information to future generations that affects their behavior and ability to resist antibiotics.
Scientists wanted to understand more about how bacteria and archaea peacefully coexist in the deep ocean.
Scientists used genetic technology to identify the different roles of bacteria present in ancient fossil formations called stromatolites.
Scientists used DNA sequencing to identify what microbes live on or near the root systems of farmed and wild wheat. They found that farmed…
Pink, green, and square-shaped microbes can help us understand the limits of life on Earth and guide our search for life outside the planet.
Scientists who study how humans might travel through space found a handful of specific genes that give bacteria some cool superpowers.
Using an environment on Earth that simulates early Mars conditions, researchers found an abundance of bacteria that get their energy from…
A study of burned and unburned cigarettes found that water chemistry and microbes living in Mediterranean beach sediments changed after 4…
Microbes on Earth have adapted to survive in some pretty extreme locations. The extreme dryness of deserts, high salinity in salt deposits,…
Many organisms live by breathing in oxygen and breathing out carbon dioxide, and those that don’t often live by taking in carbon dioxide…