Future telescopes could search for alien farms
Simulations suggest that the light observed from a distant planet around another star might be able to show evidence of ammonia and nitrous…
The Encyclopedia of Science's Frontier
Simulations suggest that the light observed from a distant planet around another star might be able to show evidence of ammonia and nitrous…
Pink, green, and square-shaped microbes can help us understand the limits of life on Earth and guide our search for life outside the planet.
The hyperbranched polymer scaffold could have been the early primitive base for the emergence of life. @t_z_jia @CerberaOdollam…
How do you train a computer to identify the type of Mars rocks it sees? #Mars #geology #machinelearning #deeplearning
It's hard to look for signs of life beyond Earth. It's a little easier if we assume that life out there is like Earth life. But what if it…
Have you heard of Panspermia? The hypothesis says that life originated somewhere else and travelled to Earth on rocks through space.…
Researchers discovered computer-led chemical analysis of a sample is a powerful tool for searching for ET biochemistry without making…
Cell structures similar to membranes can arise from non-living substances under suitable conditions.
An observational technique called ‘beam-forming’ detects exoplanetary radio emissions that allow researchers to calculate exoplanets’…
Researchers found a new way to tell the difference between the chemicals of life and the chemicals of non-life...using machine learning!