Can genetics tell us if dog behavior really varies by breed?
Dogs have been in our lives for at least 10,000 years. At first, dogs did not look like today’s common breeds — these appeared only…
The Encyclopedia of Science's Frontier
Dogs have been in our lives for at least 10,000 years. At first, dogs did not look like today’s common breeds — these appeared only…
Without plants on earth, we would not be here. But, where did plants come from? Did they suddenly just sprout out of the ground? Scientists…
Why does this help plants? Plants can capture energy from many colors of light, but they cannot use energy from ultraviolet radiation. By…
Engineered living materials are composed of both synthetic materials and living cells. They are made in a lab to do things, like respond to…
Scientists were able to combine the patient's cancer cells and immune cells in a culture "Petri dish" to simulate the patients’ bodies,…
Scientists test a new way to "type" cancers using a blood test, by irradiating the tumor to make the tumor DNA more detectable in the blood.
Food producers and aquarium enthusiasts alike are interested in preserving rare breeds of fish. Fish such as platinum arowana and large…
Remember the classic chases where Wile E. Coyote tries to catch Roadrunner but is often outsmarted? It turns out that bacteria have to…
Using traps to lure parasites away may be a good alternative to pesticides for aquatic farms. But what attracts them?
How does the body connect our nutrition to our development? A receptor in the brain plays a key role in puberty and growth!