A new kind of battery that removes carbon dioxide from the air
Nature has been able to filter out CO2 from our air for millions of years. So how might a battery prove to be our own artificial tree?…
The Encyclopedia of Science's Frontier
Nature has been able to filter out CO2 from our air for millions of years. So how might a battery prove to be our own artificial tree?…
The reality of being able to live and settle on Martian or lunar bases can seem like it is getting close. To do this, we need to be able to…
Sunlight does not reach the deepest parts of the ocean, but life still thrives in the darkness. Below depths of 200 meters, where sunlight…
Humans are not built for Mars. Or rather, Mars isn't built for us, yet. Understanding the sacrifices such a massive undertaking needs is…
Scientists at University of Washington have attempted to improve upon previous population models developed by the United Nations and the…
Have you ever driven past an old factory building and wondered what ever happened to the harsh chemicals that were used there? If you…
All life on Earth has to respire. For us this means inhaling oxygen to fuel our metabolism and exhaling waste gases like carbon dioxide.…
We may be the most successful land mammal, but pound for pound, plants and bacteria still have us beat.
Harmful algal blooms are becoming an increasing problem in areas around the world, including the Great Lakes, where drinking water is…
Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture (IMTA) may be the future of aquaculture. Compared to traditional farms that only grow one species, IMTA…