Have we finally found dark matter?
There is overwhelming evidence to support the existence of dark matter, but its existence is still a mystery to physicists. A method called…
The Encyclopedia of Science's Frontier
There is overwhelming evidence to support the existence of dark matter, but its existence is still a mystery to physicists. A method called…
Large stars and planets in space have intense gravity. The gravity of these large celestial bodies is so strong, that they actually warp the…
At the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, there is a supermassive black hole. This is normal — at the center of almost every galaxy there is…
Today, Nature published the landmark discovery of a system of seven planets around a star named TRAPPIST-1 about 40 light years away. This…
Did you know that a black hole is a kind of star? What would it really be like if our sun, also a star, was a black hole?
All life on Earth survives because of the sun. Plants use a process called photosynthesis to transfer energy from the Sun’s rays into the…
Using an experiment carried into space on a NASA suborbital rocket, astronomers at Caltech and their colleagues have detected a diffuse…