Future telescopes could search for alien farms
Simulations suggest that the light observed from a distant planet around another star might be able to show evidence of ammonia and nitrous…
The Encyclopedia of Science's Frontier
Simulations suggest that the light observed from a distant planet around another star might be able to show evidence of ammonia and nitrous…
One picture from the surface of Mars can tell us an entire story about the history and formation of that place. Often, the similarities and…
Scientists used genetic technology to identify the different roles of bacteria present in ancient fossil formations called stromatolites.
Pink, green, and square-shaped microbes can help us understand the limits of life on Earth and guide our search for life outside the planet.
Scientists who study how humans might travel through space found a handful of specific genes that give bacteria some cool superpowers.
A carbonaceous meteorite that fell in Costa Rica holds organic compounds that are preserved from the earliest stages of our solar system,…
Are microscopic mineral-eating microbes breaking down our mountains? They may be behind bedrock erosion.
It's hard to look for signs of life beyond Earth. It's a little easier if we assume that life out there is like Earth life. But what if it…
Imagine what it would be like to be an astronaut landing on Mars for the first time. The red planet has little more than dust and rocks as…
Scientists estimate that parts of Mars’ would be able to support up to one million microbes per kilogram of rock deep underground.