Lightning reacts with minerals to create the building blocks of life
Scientists stimulated atmospheric gases with electricity and found they reacted with common salts and minerals to form complex chemicals…
The Encyclopedia of Science's Frontier
Scientists stimulated atmospheric gases with electricity and found they reacted with common salts and minerals to form complex chemicals…
Researchers analyzed new fossils from Ecuador that suggested the ancestors of Galápagos giant tortoises inhabited northern South America…
Scientists showed that breast cancer patients who exercised for 30 minutes had more tumor-killing immune cells in their bloodstreams.
Scientists found a new type of cell in the adrenal glands of monogamous mice that promotes parenting behaviors.
Researchers combined spinal cord stimulation with walking exercises to improve stroke survivors’ balance, walking symmetry, speed, and…
Scientists discovered molecules that helped the first complex life forms build strong cell membranes to withstand extreme environments.
Researchers found tiny, indestructible “water bears” survived exposure to high levels of toxic salts similar to those found in Martian…
Scientists developed an Alexa-based virtual assistant to help researchers and clinicians understand and interpret cancer genome data.
Scientists used spark discharge experiments to test whether lightning converted enough nitrogen to a usable form to support the origins of…
Paleontologists described exceptionally well-preserved fossils of a complex marine ecosystem that developed within 1 million years of a…