A new method of detecting extraterrestrial life
Researchers discovered computer-led chemical analysis of a sample is a powerful tool for searching for ET biochemistry without making…
The Encyclopedia of Science's Frontier
Researchers discovered computer-led chemical analysis of a sample is a powerful tool for searching for ET biochemistry without making…
An observational technique called ‘beam-forming’ detects exoplanetary radio emissions that allow researchers to calculate exoplanets’…
Graphene is a carbon-based material used extensively in electronics, biomedical devices, semiconductors, and space and aerospace industries.…
A team of astronomers were studying GRS 1716-249, an object believed to host a black hole. A wind of gas flowing out of it can be seen in…
A mysterious cold gas shooting out of the center of the Milky Way galaxy has left scientists puzzled.
As we settle into October, many start turning their attention towards the fall and Halloween. Scientists turn their attention to the…
An asteroid recently came blazing through our solar system and it appears to be an interstellar visitor. The asteroid, dubbed A/2017 U1,…
A new field of science is born – astromaterial science. First mentioned in today’s paper, this scientific field studies materials of…
Big News! Astrophysics receives a gift. Interferometers at LIGO and Virgo detected gravitational waves coming from two neutron stars…
Astronomers have uncovered a supermassive black hole, weighing 17 billion suns, in the middle of nowhere. This nearly record-breaking…