An electric tongue helps researchers study fish flavors
Researchers have pinpointed several compounds that are strongly associated with positive and negative tastes in white fish fillets.
The Encyclopedia of Science's Frontier
Researchers have pinpointed several compounds that are strongly associated with positive and negative tastes in white fish fillets.
Most fish farming in the ocean uses net cages that float because it is easier to feed and remove fish at the surface and because some fish…
What makes a person choose a certain kind of fish when shopping at the grocery store? A group of German researchers surveyed shoppers to…
Different stages of Cabernet Sauvignon and Riesling grape development are associated with quite a few changes in wine aroma.
Measuring heart rate continuously can show how long it truly takes for fish to recover from stressful events.
You sit down at a restaurant and peruse the menu for the best wine to pair with your dinner. Do you choose a red wine like Cabernet…
A recent study of catfish products found that 7 of the 80 products tested were mislabeled, of which 5 were from restaurants and 2 were from…
There may be concerns with genetically modified organisms (GMO), but the effectiveness of gene editing in developing more productive plants…
Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture (IMTA) may be the future of aquaculture. Compared to traditional farms that only grow one species, IMTA…
In the aquaculture industry, one of the most important and most costly parts of raising fish, especially carnivorous fish, is providing them…